
Activism is the driving force behind the work of NAACP. We invite you to join one of our many committees working to make a difference. Please feel free to click on the links below for more information about each of the following committees.

“The Struggle Continues”

Civil Engagement

The goal of the Civic Engagement Committee is to Protect and Enhance Voting Rights and Fair Representation.

Every American will have free, open , equal and protected access to the vote and fair representation at all levels of the political process. By protecting democracy, enhancing equity and increasing demographic participation and civic engagement, African American will be proportionally elected to political office.

Seizing every opportunity, the New York Branch of the NAACP is on the street registering voters, education voters and when and where possible mobilizing voters. Voting is the tenement of democracy and we vow to ensure that voting rights are protected and voters are aware of the issues.